Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Today I started working on the shirt details, I didn't have a large time block to work on it but im enjoying the direction its going in!

A little getaway!

This weekend the husband and I had a little romantic camping trip @ lake Cushman here in Washington state! Being out in the nature away from everything really helped put life in perspective. Life is too short and beautiful to not take moments and reflect on lifes beauty! What an inspiring weekend!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Whats on my easel 10-17-13

This painting is inspired by my stepsons 7th Birthday party we had this summer. It was a fun day at the park with yummy snacks and superhero themed. We played a few rounds of water balloon wars. All in all, it was a really amazing day! Here's my current progress..

 My first layer, the acrylic washes. This is the rough draft of what this painting will be. This step helps me get an idea of the perspective and the shading/shadowing. It also helps me feel less overwhelmed by not having to look at all that white from the canvas. :)
This next step is the part where it all seems to come together! The oils!I started with the helmet for a few reasons, it's a major focal point of the painting and its on top (oil paints can take a few days to dry and touching it when they are not dry all the way can smudge the paint and make quite the mess!)

This is where Im at now. The helmet is complete with a few minor details to fix once the paint has dried some. Now to continue on!

I am a beginning artist who is inspired by the beauty of everyday life.Through my art, I strive to capture feelings and experiences while enticing the viewers emotions.


Army Strong

Lapsed Beauty